Saturday, May 10, 2008

Springtime is Bonnet Time!

"Mom! Where's your bonnet?"

Friday, May 9, 2008

Lil Pixie!

Here's a short video clip from yesterday. If your upload speed is slow, pause the video until it is completely uploaded and then you'll have no trouble viewing it in its entirety.

Pretty cute, until the end...

Monday, May 5, 2008

Short Video from Last Night

"Papa talks too much... I hope this is not going to become a problem!"

Sunday, May 4, 2008

What's in a Name?

Mary Lou Who's "legal" name is Mary Catherine. Her stage name will remain Mary Lou, but all contracts and official documents will reflect her Catholicity!

More pics tomorrow!


What a Day!

I am so pleased to announce the birth of our littlest girl, Mary! She arrived this morning at 1:39AM, tipping the scales at 8lbs, 10oz (a family record). She's 21 inches long not counting her eyelashes (you can actually hear them moving when she blinks).

Jennifer was incredibly strong throughout the labor and delivery. The miracle of childbirth is hard to believe, even when one witnesses it firsthand. The miracle was not so much in the improbability of the birth itself; it was more the transformation that occurred in Jennifer immediately after the baby was born. The mask of anguish, terror, and determination which bore little resemblance to the woman I thought I knew melted away to reveal a peaceful, joyous, and contented person I recognized as my Jenny. She and baby are sleeping the day away at the hospital.

The Big Three and I dropped in to meet their sister earlier this afternoon. I've included a few pics of that visit.

More later... I gotta take a nap.



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