Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hedgehog Mary

So, I got the embroidery pattern for the cutest Hedgehog from Sublime Stitching (shut up cute patterns). Alaena was my inspiration for the wee hedgehog, she luuuuvvs the little creatures. So, I make her a tea towel & then I think "Oh baby, baby needs one of these too". I sent a photo to SS cuz it was sooooooooo cute. I, yes me, I am on their cutomer gallery! I know, I know. There's some crazayzay projects on their website. My project, very simple- just like me.


Another etsy shop to brag about

While I'm bragging about great etsy sites, I prolly ought to mention this one. Get out of town cute kids clothes!

Go. Shop. Now.
Support handmade!

Check these out!!

How cute is this diaper cover?? I just picked up 2 from (The other is b & w polka dot w/red trim!) LOOOoooOOOVE them! No poo back or wet legs. I love cloth diapers! Check her shop out......

Monday, January 12, 2009

More photos from Grandpa Bill

Costume FEVER

Olivia is wearing a baby caterpillar costume. That's what you get when you live on rice & cantaloupe- 34 pounds. Owen is wearing his superman muscle top & batman belt. Watchout!! Caterpillar Girl & Superman are on the prowl.....

Happy Birthday Ava

So much fun at Cottonwood Heights Rec Center this weekend. Ava was the big "5" and the place was decked in pink, purple & princesses! Olivia was a big swimmer, Grace was in the 4' pool by herself, and Mary was in her backpack. Sam was playing Star Wars on his DS. Pretty exciting.


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