Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Adventures in the rain...

What do you do with 4 kids on a rainy day?? Put on the rain boots & drive up the canyon!!

Birthday Girl

Wow, it's been a year since Papa started this blog. Little miss sunshine is one year old. Jeepers, it seems like just yesterday I was complaining about being pregnant & waiting so impatiently for this little package to arrive. On my better days I can appreciate the beautiful miracle of life. Other days I stress about all these little people under my charge. When you sit back and look at the changes in the first year of life, it's just mind blowing. They have all gone from tiny, helpless little mounds of clay to rolling over, smiling, sitting up, pointing, grasping, crawling, eating and walking. Personality shines through so early on in life, we can already get an idea of what their likes and dislikes may be.


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