Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Did you know French Toast has eggs?

AND, did you know Owen is allergic to eggs? These particular photos were taken at the Road Island Diner in Oakley. About 30 minutes before chaos "erupted" from Owen. In the back of the car. On his blanket. And clothes. And seatbelt. And carseat. Didn't capture that on the camera. Too busy trying to find the wipes. And the ziplocs. And the Lysol. And trying to chill Olivia out cuz she was right next to him strapped in her seat. Can we just get home already?

Would I sound like a jerk if......

.....I said this was the best part of the whole weekend?

Mushroom hunting

So, after we

got the elbow popped back into place, we headed up the hill & looked for some mushrooms. All the kiddles found some, Olivia even found an edible bolete called a Slippery Jack. I know, I sound like a real live mushroom hunter huh?!? The Mushroom Society of Utah is one fun group, they helped enormously with identification & yummy food.

Rough weekend

Man! I need a vacation from our vacation. Between a trip to the dr for "nursmaid's elbow"-- just google it--and a giant goose egg on her head the next day, Mary had a bit of a rough ride in the high Uintahs

The solar system-- it's fun for all.........


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