Tuesday, August 25, 2009

unsafe baby toy of the day #2

I'm canning dilly beans today. Between pickling salt, jalapeno peppers, boiling water bath and glass jars-- I'd say a big jug of vinegar is the safest thing around!
AND, she is even playing in the same place as this morning, on the other side of the kitchen!!! Far away from stove. I promise. All you grandmas out there are probably shaking your heads. HEY, she's child #4 what do you expect?

Baby playing with magnets!!

Lowe's Build & Grow

School bus!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mary had a little lamb

Thanks Auntie Mimi!!!

Hold on everyone, Owen is eating 2 new foods

Israeli Melon

Fresh corn on the cob
I know, I know it's shocking, he picked out both items too!!


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