Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Well... we're home. 50% of the family slept like logs last night, the other 50% slept like babies (which is to say: not so much). Mama and Papa are tired and grumpy; baby Mary is hungry and poopy. Meanwhile, here are some pitchers (as they say in Utah) -


Linda Pashley said...

What a beautiful baby to add to the rest of the beauties. Jen you have a lot to celebrate this Mothers Day.
May you have great Mothers Day, love and happiness Aunt Linda and Uncle Bill

Anonymous said...

Who is Mitzi Mae? The new name for Mary C.?

Linda is right, a beautiful family.

Have a lovely Father's day.

Did you get my message? I got the feedback from the Charter Class and just got an email that those from the Quaker, New Garden, school in North Carolina are in the mail. :-)

So, I will let you know when we can talk. I am feeling ready to 'get on with this' quickly.

Love to all. MiMi


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