Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thirsty Thursday!

I don't know about you, but we're drinkin' lotsa milk at our house these days! Mostly breast and chocolate soy, very little of the bovine variety. We're sorta like hippies, except we shave and shower...

Anyway, I'm checking in to post some Mother's Day pics and a father-daughter shot as well (not enough of ME on this blog!).

Jennifer's Gramdma Anne with Mary Catherine

My Jenny, Mitzi, Grandma Great

I told everyone NOT to smile... Grandma Neenee totally ignored me!

Papa and his wee girl

Remember, When Pregnant Mothers Attack will be posted tomorrow (or yesterday in Japan... I don't know datelines). Don't miss it!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful family Jeff and Jennifer
(you look tired cousin :-)
Congratulations and I hope you keep the blog up!
Love lots,
Heather and Lucie

Anonymous said...

Wow, blogs are so cool. Sharing your family with the entire online world, some say crazy. I say share the love man. Good on ya. HOpe to see you guys sometime this year. CR


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