Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Presents! Presents! Presents!

Buddy was wiped out by 7:30 am! He had enough already.
Thanks to all who sent gifts from far away! Auntie Mimi, Nana Banana & GrandPapa, Uncle Brian & Aunt Tracie. Also, huge thanks to the Palmers-- our of control Disney fans & great gift givers. Thanks to Alaena, Serena, the Davis parents. Mrs Evans, you sneaker. Father Rob -that was really nice of you to give the kids gifts. Grandma & Grandpa Great, Aunt Jill, Uncle Alex & Aunt Holly. Grandma Rose & Grandpa Jack and those seriously over the top Dansies. The Clegg Family, Olivia wears her nighty every night so far and all day long, unless I make her take if off to go the store. Everyone was so generous and thoughtful, we had such a beautiful Christmas. We also got to see Grandpa Bill & Grandma Nana who were in SLC for the holiday.
Extra special thanks to those who gave the kids gifts that make sounds. No really, thanks. A bunch.
xoxo Jennifer
PS Mary is really, really cute with the maracas. No kidding, she sings when she shakes them!!

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